Posted on Sun, Feb 28, 2016
Begin by reading the invocation. Read the assigned Psalm for the week once or twice and take a few moments to center yourself on God, relaxing and paying close attention to your breathing. Pray for yourself and others, allowing time for God to place others in your thoughts. Read the day's assigned Scripture slowly and reflectively, perhaps more than once, taking time to allow thoughts and images to form in your mind. Reflect on the Scripture, perhaps writing in your journal. Close with the benediction.
Invocation: I come before you, my God, in all of my weakness, seeking your strength.Thouugh I am far from the model yuou set before my eyes, one day I will see you -- and upon that seeing, I will become like you. O glorious anticipation! Amen.
Psalm 63: 1-8
Daily Scripture Readings:
Sunday: Isaiah 55: 1-9; 1 Cor 10: 1-13; Luke 13: 1-9
Monday: Genesis 32: 22-32
Tuesday: Exodus 3: 1-12
Wednesday: Isaiah 55
Thursday: 2 Cor 4: 1-6
Friday: 1 Cor 13
Saturday: Romans 8: 1-17
Benediction: I go now from this place as one who sees through a glass dimly. Give me a clear vision that I may not stumble but walk a straight path in your glorious light. Amen.
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