Devotions for week of Jan. 17

Posted on Sun, Jan 17, 2016:

Begin by reading the invocation. Read the assigned Psalm for the week once or twice and take a few moments to center yourself on God, relaxing and paying close attention to your breathing. Pray for yourself and others, allowing time for God to place others in your thoughts. Read the day's assigned Scripture slowly and reflectively, perhaps more than once, taking time to allow thoughts and images to form in your mind. Reflect on the Scripture, perhaps writing in your journal. Close with the benediction.

Invocation: O Lord Jesus, in this hour let me hear again your call, "Follow me." My steps are prone to wander. Come therefore, I pray, and make your way clear before me. Amen.

Daily Scripture Readings:

Sunday: John 2: 1-11

Monday: John 1: 35-51

Tuesda,y: Matthew 9: 9-13

Wednesday: Luke 9: 23-27

Thursday: Matthew 10: 34-42

Friday: John 10: 22-30

Saturday: Matthew 11: 25-30

Benediction: Dear Jesus, assist me to follow God's will, even as you followed your own destiny. Shed light upon my path, and keep close to me that I may follow close to you. Amen.

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